MAN Sports Delta XT 84 Capsules | Testosterone Boosting Supplement
Boosting testosterone levels and even regulating testosterone and estrogen is important in getting the body you want. Boosting testosterone levels can make a workout for a male much more satisfying. Getting those levels up can give confidence, aggressiveness, sex drive, increased muscle mass, facial hair, and even a deep voice to name a few. So time to regulate estrogen and boost testosterone with Delta XT by MAN Sports.
How Does Delta XT Work?
You get up every day and go to the gym. You bust your butt and even add extra reps to your workout. You haven't missed a day but something seems off. Sometimes, the case isn't you. It could be all of the hormones in your system. The likeliest culprits are testosterone and estrogen. Taking testosterone boosters can be super helpful in getting the body you want, if you’re a male or want to regulate the estrogen in the body. Maximizing testosterone levels are important in giving you the edge you need, support sexual health, reduce recovery time and overall make you feel stronger. On top of reducing recovery time and regulating estrogen, these supplements also supports lean muscles making sure that you get the body you want and that your efforts in the gym do not go to waste.
What Is In Delta XT?
It’s good to know what is in your supplements so you are not just adding random and harmful things to your body. Good thing this product helps you regulate hormones naturally. Delta XT has a unique blend to support estrogen regulation and promote anabolic activity along with boosting testosterone levels naturally. The first being Fenugreek Seed Extract. Fenugreek is an annual herb located in India and North Africa. Fenugreek is also used in traditional medicine for years and increases sexual arousal, estrogen levels, and enhances athletic performance in men. Another ingredient is the Maca Root. Maca is a plant that originates in the Peruvian Andes kind of looks like a radish. Maca is known to have the ability to increase energy, stamina and fertility for all people who take it. Next would be DIM. DIM is compound that comes from certain vegetables like broccoli and cabbage. What is does is support estrogen metabolism. The last ingredient is Epicatechin. Epicatechin boosts levels of follistatin, a protein found in the muscles, which binds to it. Simply, more follistatin equals less myostatin, which in turn means more muscle mass. Now how does all that sound? Having all this in one pill is amazing because you can get those muscles along with having your recovery time cut in half so you’re not wasting any time!
MAN Sports Delta XT Product Highlights
- Micro batch Quality
- Supports Lean Muscle Growth
- Regulates Estrogen
- Boosts Testosterone
- Reduces Recovery Time
How To Take Delta XT
We recommend to take 3 capsules daily 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime. For best results, use for minimum of 8 weeks followed by a 4 week break. DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGE.
MAN Sports Delta XT Supplement Facts
Not for use of persons under the age of 18. Do not use if you are currently breast feeding, pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Keep out of reach of children. Consult your doctor prior to use if you have any medical conditions or if you are taking any other medications. Discontinue use immediately if you experience rapid heartbeat, dizziness, vomiting or other similar symptoms.